Food for Thought with UpliftED

After the recent success of our webinar, "SAIL to 60: A Post-Session Look at Connecting Education & Business Amid COVID-19," we've decided we're going to try something new. So, join us at noon, every other week for our Facebook Live Q&As with local leaders. You can find our Facebook page here.

Held during the lunch hour (noon-12:30), we'll be having conversations with members from every sector: public, private, and non-profit.

Have something new to plug? Want to chat about education and workforce development? Shoot us an email with what you'd like to talk about, and some dates you are available. These will be biweekly editions that air at noon, and we are welcoming anyone and everyone to share some Food for Thought for lunchtimes.

Next Episode: November 11th, 12:00 p.m. Watch here.